DIEM TECHNOLOGIES (www.diemtech.com) is a leading international distributor and system integrator of satellite communication and digital broadcast of products, projects and solutions.
Here you will find the relevant information about us, our philosophy and the practical information that you need to understand in order to have the best possible shopping experience. From our knowledge there is no comparable online shop of discounted professional/commercial Satellite Communications equipment and we are constantly working to improve. Your feed-back to help us in this mission is greatly appreciated and can be sent to: feedback@diemstore.eu . This is a no-reply address so we thank you in advance but will not respond personally to everybody.
Why “Diem Store"?
This online shop is the expression of one of the largest Satcom (Satellite Communications) distributors in the world (Diem Technologies - www.diemtech.com ): here @ diemstore.eu you will only find top quality products and great savings...
Why have we decided to set-up an ON LINE STORE?
We believe that many (but not all) the professional products we deal with can be sold as “boxes”: if you know what you need there is no reason that you pay for the added value services, consultancy, advice that a traditional firm offesr: you know what you want and want to buy it as cheap as possible.
Not only the products you find here are well discounted but the way this online shop is set up allows us great savings in all phases of procurement and processing so we do not need to mark up the prices to recover these costs.
How can this low level of price be managed?
There are several reasons why we sell some of our sock at a slashed, discounted price online, and they mainly belong to the following areas:
1. Sales Processing:
- No added value service is offered on this web site: while we try to give as much information as we can you need to understand the product (s) and their applications: if you need advice, system design or any kind of support this is not your shop and you better ask the friendly and competent team @ www.diemtech.com , of course the cost of the goods will not be the same as those “friendly people” need to eat every day …☺
- Logistics management: when you buy from this web site you only have 2 basic choices: either you instruct your forwarder/courier to pick up the goods (once your order is confirmed and payment received you will receive a “pick-up number”, all your agent has to do is come to our warehouse with this number and the product(s) will be ready and waiting, OR when you place the order you choose our standard shipment. Whilst we continuously work to get better deals from our forwarder the price we get for your specific destination might not be the lowest on the market in that moment; again checking with several forwarders the cost of a certain shipment to a specific destination takes time which costs money so is out of scope here as we want to keep the cost of the products as low as possible: if you still want to check if there is a cheaper shipment you can do it by ourself: in the decription of each product we indicate the “shipping weight and dimensions” as well as the number of boxes (this is all the information needed to get a shipment proposal from your forwarder/courier)
2. The products:
Some of the principal here being:
- Overstock: sometimes we simply bought too much of a specific item so are willing to “clear some shelves” and put our money to work instead of sitting there collecting dust
End of Life: a product might be approaching end of life so we want to get rid of it in order to invest our funds in the new version (the fact that there is a new verso does not diminish the functionality of the “old” product actually most of the time a mature product is more reliable than a new one in its “infancy”
- Large projects: we might have won a very large project and thus due to quantity we can be able to buy from the manufacturer at a reduced price
- Trade-In: sometimes our customers simply “buy too much” of a certain product or project is put on hold on its way and we are asked to buy back or stop deliveries of a certain product, in this case we can re-acquire the goods at a reduced price
- Expired warranty: sometime a product stays too much in our warehouse and the manufacturer’s warranty (which always starts from the day the product leaves the factory) is expired or very close to expiration: the product is still perfectly new and fully functional but should failure happen in the months to come the cost of the repair will not be covered by any warranty and shall be borne by customer/user
- Pre-owned: some times our customers want to buy a new product and ask us to buy back the older one
- Ex-demo: when we use products for tests, demonstrations, trade-shows we do not consider them new any longer and periodically want to replace them with a new one. Also sometimes manufacturers sell ex-demo equipment for the same reason
3. Payment Terms:
Payment is strictly “at order”, you can pay via credit card and we accept wire transfers only above USD/€ five thousands. All funds must be net and clear to us so if you wire the funds make sure your bank understands that all bank charges (not only from them but also from all corresponding banks enroute) must be paid from you: the order will not be processed until all funds, net, are received and cleared.
This strict finance management helps us keep the costs of each sale down and the paperwork and administrative efforts at a minimum level therefore allowing for further price reduction.
4. Stock:
Many of the items you find on this website are in stock and ready to ship: when this is the case all the products are in stock in Europe and already in EU free circulation: if they are manufactured outside of EU the European duties have already been paid as well at the cost of the freight from overseas. Make sure you consider and calculate in the correct way these costs when you compare our prices: for some items (e.g. VSAT antennas) the cost of freight and duties from the factory in USA for some antennas would actually be more than the price of the product itself: again all the prodcts on this web-site are already in urope, ready to ship worldwide.
5. Incoterms 2000:
All our goods are offered strictly FOB, even when we shipwith our forwarder and you reimbourse the freight cost to us: the risk is yours the moment the forwarder picks-up the goods and if you want to insure the shipment you can do it with your broker/insurance company
6. VAT
VAT is not included in our prices and will be charges only when due, according to the european regulations; basically (but there are exceptions) VAT is due in the following cases:
- any individual or entity without a valid european VAT number, requiring shipment to the EU destination
- any individual or entity that requires a shipment with destination Italy
Should you need any clarifications you can email to our finance department: amministrazione@diemtech.com
7. Customer care:
We will handle all your business in the most professional and precise way, however in order to keep costs down only email enquiries will be handled. This web-site is deigned so that you can find all information in it without any need to contact us: please help us reduce the costs by eliminating any un-necessary communications.
Of course we are constantly trying to improve the shopping experience you have with us so we will ot consider a waste of time or an added cost to listen to any idea, suggestion or advice you want to share with us about your experience: please do follow-up @ feedback@diemstore.eu .
By sending us you feedback you authorize us to use your question, our answer and the content of your email in this FAQ section of the wb-ite or in our web-site if we deem it useful to improve our service and understanding of it.
What about features and Options?
We try to describe as well as we can every products. Some of them might include options and some not. During the life of a product each respective manufacturer may change its policy about that particular product options and features: some which are standard today may not be tomorrow and viceversa, usually options bar an extra charge. Please do not rely on a datasheet to understand what is standard and what is a chargeable option and remember that sometimes even a basic, non chargeable option is nt available on a specific device because of the then current rules of production. If in our description we do not mention an option please assume it is not there! Options, when required, can be purchased separately. Do not forget that some options require the product o be shipped to the manufacturer or an authorized centre for the upgrade and that not all options are compatible/available with a specific model or with other options already in the unit.
Do you have an educational session?
We want our clients to become “regulars”: we want you to be satisfied and come back for more…:
In order to help you better understand the products and their applications we are implemntin a session where you will find basic but comprehensive tutorials about the prouct categories and their application or, simply, to help you make the right choice. Come back soon as this will shorty be available and will be continuously updated.
What kind of products can I expect to find for sale?
As we said not all products are suitable to be sold I an online outlet (but you will find some interesting surprises as they become available…). Mainly here you will find:
Satellite Modems
VSAT Satellite Antennas
Professional IRDs
VSAT Satellite Antennas accessories
MPEG-2, MPEG-4, H.264, SD and HD encoders
Spare parts
Accelerators/optimizers for TCP/IP traffic over satellite (IP/Internet via satellite)
Not all product categories will be available at each single moment but they re constanly changing.
What brands/manufacturers can I expect to find here?
Our company is the authorized distributor/reseller/importer/VAR/VAD (as it applies to each vendor) of a couple dozens of manufacturers which cover all the segments of Satellite Communication Equipment.
Mainly you will find products from
Mainly satellite modems (IP satellite routers) (3100, 5100, 5150, 5350, X3, X5, NetModem) but occasionally you will find line cards, hub components or occasionally even a whole hub!
Ericsson - ex Tandberg television
(Tandberg television, based in Southampton, UK, was acquired some years ago by Ericsson. Effective January 25, 2010 its products have been re-branded Ericsson Solution Area TV or Ericsson Television, so both “names” will be used interchangeably on this web-site: model numbers of the products have not changed so basically you get the product you order only sometimes the brand on the front panel will be Tandberg and sometimes Ericsson)
Scopus Video Networks (This company was acquired by Harmonic December 2009 so basically does not exist any longer: most of it products are EOL - End Of life or production has been discontinued, some are now available with a different model number from the acquirer. We used to be Scopus distributor so still have a stock of products in stock ready to ship.
Ericsson Solution Area TV/ Ericsson Television:
Please see “Tandberg Television”
Norsat: mainly LNBs and BUCs
NJR: mainly LNBs and BUCs
SMW: manly Ku band LNBs
Terrasat: (Ku, C-band, Ka-band BUCs -IBUCs- but also power supplies, hand held terminals, TCP/IP cables and etc. You will not find here X-band modems due to the related export regulations)
Channel Master, ASC Signal, Andrew, Raven, Skyware Global:
Satellite Earth Station antennas, VSAT antennas, Transceivers.
This is quite a long story but it is also true that the company is almost 1 century old …: there was a time where there were 4 companies: Channel Master, Andrew, Skyware and Raven;
Channel Master
was manufacturing VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) antennas, both RXo (receive Only) and RX/TX (Receive and Transmit) from @ 75cm till 2.4mt in diameter, offset, both single and Dual Optics
Andrew was the manufacturer (among a ton of other products) of ESA - Earth Station Antennas from 2.4 till @ 10mt in diameter, fixed, motorizable, motorized, with or without step-tracking
Skyware was a spin-off of Philips and was introducing on the market an L-band satellite transceiver
Raven was (is …) one of the largest if not the largest producer globally of Satellite antennas, mainly for consumer, DTH (Direct-To-Home) applications.
One day Andrew acquired Channel Master and shortly after Skyware, then Andrew was acquired by Comm-Scope and the satellite division was spun off as ASC Signal (what does ASC mean? Maybe Andrew Satellite Communications???:) )and acquired by a third party. Recently Raven acquired from ASC the VSAT division (formerly Channel Master) and the electronics division originally from Skyware, and re-branded them Global Skyware, while the ESA division is still within ASC Signal. Confused? I understand however to make a long story short the point we want to make clear here is that the same product might be available on the market with any of the above names so do not be surprised if you order a Global Skyware 1.2mt CL2 Eutelsat/Intelsat T.A. Antenna and when you get it the sticker on the box or on the reflector is Andrew or ASC Signal …: it is exactly the same product (and approval)
How often do you update the products and how often can I expect to find new products?
this should be done as they become available, however we want this outlet to be “live and kicking” so we are continuously adding new products or replenishing the stock available for sale. It is an investment on our side to keep this place interesting and with ample choice, it is also a way to turn our inventory more quickly and increase our purchase power with the manufacturers so that at the end you get the great price and discount you expect.
What do you mean with “minimum quantity”? Is there a “minimum order”?
We decided not to implement a “minimum order” policy as we understand that you might want to “test” our shop with small order before choosing us as the source for more, however some products are of such a lo value that it would not make sense to ship them internationally one by one so they are only purchasable in small lots of, for example, 2 or 5 units.
Sometimes you will also find pre-defined lots or bundles: by ordering the products in quantity you’ll get an even better price.
Do you have more products that are not on the outlet web-site?
Yes we have in stock some thousands of different products for digital broadcast and satellite communications, however only a small fraction is sold on the outlet (we need to make some money somehow …). If you are looking for a product from our vendors that you do not find here you can simply ask to sales@diemtech.com (Diem Technologies), there you will get advice, availability and the full service which distinguishes this reputable company. You will not get the outlet price as th service is different and way more comprehensive, but if you mention the outlet you’ll get a great price anyway.
Sales terms and conditions.
As everything else here they are clear, simple and straight forward as follows (if you want a complete version please ask it by email to sales@diemtech.com ):
Products: they are as described
Delivery: Ex-works Incoterms 2000
Warranty: international warranty term of each manufacturer apply
Repairs: For repairs please contact the manufacturer
Payment: Strictly 100% at order, please see 3. Payment Terms or your shopping cart for further details.